Wedio APS
Wedio is an online rental marketplace allowing visual content creators to rent and rent-out camera gear to one another (Think the AirBnB for cinematographers and photographers).
Their goal is to make story telling as accessible as possible and empower story tellers to access professional level equipment at a fraction of the retail price.
As a part of my marketing education at BAA Aarhus, I joined Wedio from January to July of 2023. During said internship I was tasked with growing Wedio’s social media presence, planning and executing a marketing campaign relating to a crowdfunding round and developing an entire new revenue stream for Wedio.
Social Media & Brand Growth
Wedio’s main objective is to create a community of content creators and act as a bridge between them to facilitate help within the community. This is done through their rental platform, but also through their social media.
One of the main tasks I had while running the @wedio_community Instagram account was to not only grow the following of the account but also to promote various members of Wedio and cement a true feeling of community.
During my time at Wedio, I helped grow the account’s follower count from around 500 to roughly 1700.
Investment Promotion
In the weeks following my arrival at Wedio the company was setting up a crowdfunding investment round in the hopes to raise around 400.000 DKK and allow members of the community to actively take part in the Wedio journey.
I was tasked with doing the marketing and communication around this investment round, not only taking care of creating the visuals needed for social media but also planning and executing the entire promotion strategy.
Thank (partially) to my effort, Wedio ended up vastly surpassing their initial goal and raised over 1.2 million DKK in total.
UI/UX & Product Development
As part of their growth strategy, Wedio wanted to expand their activity and decided to launch a second hand marketplace on their plat form, allowing members to not only rent/rent-out their equipment, but also buy and sell used gear.
Over the course of about 3 months I conducted a series of interviews with active members of the Wedio community and carefully designed the UI and UX of said marketplace.
This project allowed me to further my product development skills as well as learn my way around AdobeXD and get first hand experience with UI/UX design.